Print statement and multithreading

Roy Katz katz at
Tue Aug 22 16:54:48 EDT 2000


After listening to your suggestions I came up with the following model:
In my bookmark-checking utility,  there are a variable number of threads
going about processing the links.  The main thread, after launching the
processing threads, goes into a loop which monitors their progress.  My
problem is that this main thread doesn't display output to the screen.  I
managed to force it to by adding a sys.stdout.flush() (note: the outputted
lines do not end in a '\n' -- perhaps a '\n' character forces a flush??)


PS:  If you want to see the link-checker, I will be glad to mail it to
you.  Actually, come to think about it, perhaps I should get it onto the
Vaults of Parnassus.   The only thing the linkchecker still lacks is the 
code to write updated links back to a netscape bookmark file. 

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