UML Support for Python [was IDLE development - Call for participation]

Peter Yu roger_callisto at
Wed Aug 23 21:07:29 EDT 2000

In article <8nou70$qtd$1 at>,
  aahz at (Aahz Maruch) wrote:
> In article <cokppsc6mutq7qeq8j0vh9sj1csk94h1sv at>,
> Martin Rand  <mwr at> wrote:
> >
> >Protoyping and simulation strategies can help with all of these. So
> >can diagramming, and often it's cheaper, cleaner and of more lasting
> >value.
> While I agree with you in the abstract sense, IMO we don't yet have
> enough powerful, cheap, and ubiquitous compute/display technology to
> make this a universal statement in the practical sense.  From my POV,
> paper just doesn't work for this, and when it comes to real
> collaboration, paper often ends up as the lowest common denominator.

For a powerful graphical design tool that allows one to have dramatic
improvement in productivity, check out ObjecTime. (Which is turning
into Rational Rose RT... though RT is not quite done yet.)  Once one
generated a model ("graphical design") and filled in the requisite code
within the diagrams (which can be printed out on paper for design
review), the complete program in simulation mode (for rapid
prototyping/testing) or object code (final product!) is generated
without any other user intervention.

Speaking from personal experience, I'm quite impressed... it allowed
the company I currently work for to go through one "cycle" of software
development/enhancement in 6-8 months what would have taken 2 years at
a previous company.

The only problem with the tool? It's not cheap enough... $20-$25k per
single-use license isn't really affordable for the average non-
corporate entity.

Which brings us to another question: How come the free software
communinty haven't been cloning this particular tool, when a lot of
others (compilers, OSes, databases, etc.) have been created?  Is it due
to legal reasons? (Like patents, etc?)

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