Python with MySQL

ekw1 at ekw1 at
Sat Aug 5 00:21:49 EDT 2000

I am getting the following error when I try to connect to a MySQL
3.23.19 database (which I've used MyODBC to set up datasource with).

>>> import ODBC.Windows
>>> db = ODBC.Windows.Connect("DSN_name")
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "<pyshell#15>", line 1, in ?
    db = ODBC.Windows.Connect("PyNotes")
NotSupportedError: ('S1C00', 0, "[TCX][MyODBC]MySQL can't use
transactions", 4226)

I am able to connect to and use a MS Access datasource, but not the
MySQL datasource.  Can anyone help me with this?  I don't care that I
can't use transactions.  I am running Python 1.5.2, MySQL 3.23.19 and
MyODBC 2.50.13, all under Windows 2000 Professional.  Thanks for any


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