Simon Faulkner News at
Sun Aug 20 05:10:35 EDT 2000

OK, so I have BruteForced it

By skipping through each character and replacing ord(Character) with
<br> if it is 13 and ignoring it if it is 10

But there has to be a better way?


On Sun, 20 Aug 2000 08:47:49 GMT, Simon Faulkner <News at>

>Hi All,
>I am printing a string to a html page and the string is correctly
>stored in the MySQL database as
>This string wraps onto 3 lines
>But, of course, it comes out on the web page as
>This string wraps onto 3 lines Line2 Line3
>I need to replace each return with a <BR> as I print the field.
>Any ideas? - what is the smart way to do this?
>Simon Faulkner

Simon Faulkner

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