ANN: PyStream - a C++ stream emulation

Moshe Zadka moshez at
Fri Aug 25 11:49:50 EDT 2000

>And of course there's Einstein's "Everything should be as simpler as
>possible, but not simpler."

[Robin Becker]
> this was Einstein? Mmhh who was the guy with a razor?


ObPython: Python-Dev has it's share of minimalists (AMK and I, for
example), and less minimalists (Barry Warsaw comes to mind). Guido 
does such a nice job of balancing the two, he's got scathing criticism
from both groups <0.5 wink>.

Sometimes, when I have something I disagree with Guido about, I 
don't even bother to say so -- he's kept a language great for 10 years
(?) and I haven't -- maybe he has the right kind of intuition.
Moshe Zadka <moshez at>
There is no IGLU cabal.

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