speeding up dictionary creation

Peter Schneider-Kamp nowonder at nowonder.de
Fri Aug 18 03:54:46 EDT 2000

Moshe Zadka wrote:
> It is faster, but you don't need to torture yourself -- use the marshal
> module instead of cPickle to serialize your dictionaries. (that's
> the mechanism .py->.pyc uses)

It is much faster than a non-binary cPickle, but I couldn't
reliably time it to be faster than a binary cPickle.

marshal-too---but-Moshe-will-be-right---as-always-<0.2 wink>-ly y'rs
Peter Schneider-Kamp          ++47-7388-7331
Herman Krags veg 51-11        mailto:peter at schneider-kamp.de
N-7050 Trondheim              http://schneider-kamp.de

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