Database editor?

pehr anderson pehr at
Thu Aug 10 08:56:10 EDT 2000

Dear Oliver, 

I believe there is an MS Access equivalent bundled into 
StarOffice 5.2. I've found this latest version of star office
to be a pretty good replacement for *all aspects* of MS Office.


Olivier Dagenais wrote:
> Is there any software out there that allows you to use a grid data entry
> mechanism for adding/modifying/deleting data from a DB-API -based database?
> Sort of what Microsoft's VisData does with Access (and other) databases or
> like Microsoft's Orca does with MSI databases.  (I think Microsoft Access is
> a fancy version of this, too...)
> So, anyway, I'm looking for a nice little generic GUI for entering string
> data in a grid, instead of writing lines and lines of SQL statements that
> rebuild the database on every change.  It would be so cool if it was
> DB-API -based, so that it didn't matter what format the database was, or how
> it worked.  I don't need a fancy query or table builder or anything like
> that.  Oh, and it has to run on Windows, because that's all I have... :-/
> Anybody?
> Thanks!
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Olivier A. Dagenais - Carleton University - Computer Science III

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