ANN: PyStream - a C++ stream emulation

Courageous jkraska1 at
Wed Aug 23 00:59:53 EDT 2000

> Given that 1.6 and 2.0 are virtually 100.0% backward compatible, how do
> these new constructs actually hurt anybody?  If anything, aren't the
> programs that _use_ the new constructs--not the new interpreter that
> provides them--the problem?

With the availability of new forms, thus increases the
probability that said forms will be used on larger projects.
There are probably something like a dozen ways to construct
a loop in lisp, for example. At least one won't talk about
the relative paucity of flow control forms for Lisp, I suppose.

Anyway, the more constructs, the longer to learn.

I doubt augmented assignment will create a problem, however.


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