Newbie question

Grant Edwards nobody at nowhere.nohow
Thu Aug 17 22:44:43 EDT 2000

On 18 Aug 2000 02:11:13 GMT, TTDCKD <ttdckd at> wrote:

>This may sound stupid but im realy new to programming and i
>dont know what a text editor is. I need to know what a text
>editor is so i can creat module files in the future.

It's a program you use to create and edit text files.  Sort of
like "edit" or "edlin" from DOS, or Notepad under Windows.

Have I just been trolled?

I used to volunteer at the public library teaching people off
the street to run Netscape.  There are no longer any computer
related questions that surprise me.  I was showing one guy how
the mouse worked -- I rolled the mouse up-and-down on the desk
and showed him how the arrow on the screen moved up-and-down
along with it.

He tried it, and commented that it was pretty neat.  Then he
asked "how you do you make it move sideways?"

Sitting there watching people type was torture.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  .. bleakness....
                                  at               desolation.... plastic

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