overriding "print"?

Steven D. Majewski sdm7g at virginia.edu
Thu Aug 3 18:12:52 EDT 2000

On Thu, 3 Aug 2000, Jesus Cea Avion wrote:

> Can "print" be overriden?
> I want to do a dual console/Tkinter application, redirecting "print"
> output to a TK window. I can't rewrite the "print" commands because the
> original application (console only) is not under my control.

'print' is a statement, not a function, so you can't really 
change or overwrite what it does, but you don't have to.
'print' writes on sys.stdout, so what you want to do is replace
sys.stdout with a filelike object that writes to your TK window.

You can demonstrate this with the StringIO module:

>>> from StringIO import StringIO
>>> import sys

>>> buf = StringIO()
>>> sys.stdout = buf

>>> # [ type a bunch of Python commands and don't see the output ... ] 

>>> sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__

>>> print buf.getvalue()  # and see all of the missing print output 

-- Steve M.

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