Unanswered Questions in python.faqts.com

Johann Hibschman johann at physics.berkeley.edu
Wed Aug 23 00:51:44 EDT 2000

Sam Penrose writes:
>> 1. performance (no interpreter startup cost at every request)
>> 2. ability to implement in Python, not just response handlers,
>> but all sort of handlers that Apache let you set (authentication,
>> logging, etc, etc).

> Also memory leaks :-). And it doesn't appear to be supported anymore.

All right, now you've got me curious about this.  Why not just write a
simple C program that forwards the request info over to a running
python process, appending it to a "to do" stack.  The python process
just grinds through the requests it gets, and sends answers back to
the requestor.

Starting up the C "glue" (heh) program would have negligible overhead,
and would let you avoid depending on the apache-specific interface.
Sure, it's not as good as being integrated in the server, but it's a
lot better than firing up python every time you need to serve a

I'm probably just revealing my ignorance here, but that doesn't bother
me.  My sock monkey, on the other hand, will be horribly offended.

Johann Hibschman                           johann at physics.berkeley.edu

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