writting classes to file

Remco Gerlich scarblac-spamtrap at pino.selwerd.nl
Tue Aug 1 18:41:09 EDT 2000

Curtis Jensen wrote in comp.lang.python:
> I have several data classes that just contain data; no functions.  I
> also have some dictionaries.  I want to write them to one file in a
> database form.  Shelve doesn't seem to let me do operations on classes. 
> Pickle doesn't let me save several classes to one file.  I can't seem to
> shelve pickled objects.  So, what is the best way to go about this. 

Shelve sounds like what you want. What did you try, and how did it fail?

Remco Gerlich,  scarblac at pino.selwerd.nl
"This gubblick contains many nonsklarkish English flutzpahs, but the
 overall pluggandisp can be glorked from context"  (David Moser)

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