Why is Tkinter for Windows NT much faster?

yanivk at my-deja.com yanivk at my-deja.com
Tue Aug 22 06:51:11 EDT 2000

Hi, I am writing a GUI in python using Tkinter. the GUI contains a Text
widget, in the Text widget I add about 100 buttons and 100 labels (as
embedded windows). The text inside is taged by about 500 tags and some tags
are binded to '<Enter>', '<Leave>' events. For some reason, running this
application under Windows NT is about 5-10 times faster than running it under
AIX. This is a problem for me, since the application needs to run on both OS
at the same speed more or less. Does anyone have any idea why is there such a
huge difference in the speed? How can it be solved? Best of all, Yaniv.

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