Recommendations please

Andrew Kuchling akuchlin at
Sun Aug 20 16:02:13 EDT 2000

thor at localhost.localdomain (Manuel Gutierrez Algaba) writes:
> Although, it wasn't write for the purpose of Computer Programming,
>  I think the all times best Computer programming book is :
> "Peloponesian War" by Tukydides. 

I can't quite see the connection between Thucydides and OO.
By an amazing coincidence, my book club recently finishing
trudging through Thucydides.  When we started, a historian friend of
one of the members, on being told we were reading Thucydides,
incredulously asked "*All* of it?".  Usually history students only
read excerpts from it; we found out why this is so.  Oh dear, did we ever!  

Some sections are really interesting, such as book 7 where the
Athenian army under Nicias slowly falls apart.  But lots of it was
rather dull, in the way of military histories that deal with battles
on a microscopic day-by-day scale, so that you get lost in detail and
can't see the forest for the trees.  Hmm... maybe now I see the
relation to OO...


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