[PEP 224] Attribute Docstrings

Warren Focke wfocke at phoenixdsl.com
Fri Aug 25 19:37:04 EDT 2000

Marc-Andre Lemburg:
>     This can lead to cases where the docstring and assignment may be
>     separated by other expressions:
>         class C:
>             "C doc string"
>             b = 2
>             def x(self):
>                 "C.x doc string"
>                 y = 3
>                 return 1
>             "b's doc string"
>     Since the definition of method "x" currently does not reset the
>     used assignment name variable, it is still valid when the compiler
>     reaches the docstring "b's doc string" and thus assigns the string
>     to __doc__b__.
>     A possible solution to this problem would be resetting the name
>     variable for all non-expression nodes.

So under the "possible solution", the above code would produce

C.x.__doc__ == "C.x doc string"
C.__doc__x__ == "b's doc string"

and C.x would then have two doc strings?  Would it be reasonable to only
reset the variable if x didn't have a .__doc__?

Warren Focke
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