CP4E Video

Martijn Faassen m.faassen at vet.uu.nl
Thu Aug 3 13:32:48 EDT 2000

Thomas Wouters <thomas at xs4all.net> wrote:
> So do I, actually, but the way Guido pronounces it is the way Monty Python
> is introduced in BBC commentaries (more like Py-thAon), so I can see where
> it comes from. Me, I'm used to the dutch pronunciation (hard P, hard T,
> round O), so when speaking English I kind of swallow the entire word anyway,
> ending up with something close to you aussies, I guess.

I started out pronouncing it like the snake, in Dutch. This knowing
full well it isn't named after the snake, but it just came out easier
that way. That's 'peetohn'.

Before I went to the Python conference last january I started to train
myself so I'd say something at least resembling the way English speakers
pronounce it, and by now the transition to a Dutch-accented American
variety is complete.


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