gratuitous new features in 2.0

Neil Hodgson neilh at
Fri Aug 25 07:40:25 EDT 2000

> Of the alternates proposed, "to" (which has problems with not currently
> being a keyword, and thereby introducing some potential for code breakage,
> but is the most intuitive word) or "in" seem the clearest.

   There has been a proposal that "to" be a keyword only in the context of
the print statement. This is part of a wider movement towards context
sensitive keywords in some change proposals. The renaming import proposal
"import urllib as myurl" uses "as" in this context sensitive way.

   I don't like this trend myself but maybe that's just because I may have
to modify some Python lexing code. I can understand the frustration caused
by not wanting to introduce any new global keywords because they may break
any code that uses that keyword as an identifier.


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