
Serge Beaumont serge at sergebeaumont.com
Tue Aug 8 07:31:50 EDT 2000

I tried it in the interactove window to be sure:

i did this:

tup = ('A', 'B')
dict = {'A': 100}


So it should work. The key error occurs when you try to find a key that
isn't there. So either tup[0] is not 'A', or dict does not have a 'A'
key or both. Remember that Python is case sensitive...


Nicholas Routledge wrote:

> Hi all,
> i'm new to python. could anyone see what might cause this error?
> in a program i have a tuple called tup.  tup[0] is 'A'.
> i also have a dictionary called dict. dict looks like this,
> dict = {'A': 100}
> now in my program i try to access dict like this,
> dict[tup[0]]
> it gives me a key error.  any ideas?
> --
> cheers,
> nick

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