Table widget - I need a very fast one...

Martin Franklin martin.franklin at
Thu Aug 17 10:27:33 EDT 2000


Just goes to show I don't read the docs;-)

Whats wrong with this widget? Speed?  I have noticed that the 
speed is drasticaly affected if you have a lot of columns but
not if you have a lot of rows

BTW. I have modified my copy of this widget to use Buttons as column 
headings so you can add a callback (sort  on col.) and instead of
frames I use Pmw Panes to seperate the col's (so they are resizable)

If you really don't like it then GTK either with PyGTK or wxPython 
+ wxGTK is the only other choice.....that I know of.  


Horst Gassner wrote:
> Hello!
> > I'm not sure I know what you mean.  I downloaded Pmw
> > installed it into /usr/local/lib/python.....
> > downloaded PmwContribD and tested it like so:
> >From the documentation:
> "To make the scripts available to other applications, extract the
> archive to the base directory of your Python installation, creating a
> PmwContribD directory, then copy the PmwContribD.pth file up one level."
> I just wanted to know if the MCScrolledListBox would be a good choice
> for a table widget. I got it running now but the functionality is not
> sufficient for my case.
> There must be a better one...
> Thank you for your help
> Horst
> --

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