Python + perl and more

Kenneth Power ken at
Fri Aug 18 09:13:03 EDT 2000

Minotaur..I seem to remember heraing of that project last summer. Totally
forgot about it. Tried looking in the vaults the alst few days before posting
, a shame Parnasuss is down. Thankyou for the tips.


In article <399D0632.F1C135C6 at>, Shae Erisson wrote:
>I think it would be easy to write a webmail interface in Zope.
>I would suggest checking parnassus (which I would have done for you, but
>it's down) @ You may find something
>worthwhile that you don't have to write yourself.
>> If there is no such program written in Python, is there a way to 'interface'
>> (term used rather loosely) Python code with Perl? ONe web-client program we
>> are evaluating is written in perl. Yet it lacks some features we need (LDAP
>> interface for one), and I do not know perl. Any clues on this subject are
>> much appreciated.
>The only python/perl/tcl interface I know of is Minotaur:
>Shae Matijs Erisson -
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