newbie question: python and c++ objects

Moshe Zadka moshez at
Sun Aug 6 02:52:30 EDT 2000

On Sat, 5 Aug 2000, Courageous wrote:

> Yes, albeit python uses C bindings. Therefore, what you'll have to
> do is offer C++ static class methods to the Python hooks inside
> your C-python interface.

That's not correct -- it's implementation dependant. The following
types are *not* equivalent, and cannot be casted safely from each other:

extern "C" {typedef void (*foo)(); }
typedef void (*foo)();

Hence, you *must not* use static methods where extern "C" funtion pointers
are expected. What you should do is wrap the functionaliy in extern "C"
functions which call into C++.

Moshe Zadka <moshez at>
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