Python wrappings for Open Inventor?

Ole Martin Bjoerndalen olemb at
Thu Aug 17 07:37:46 EDT 2000

"Richard P. Muller" <rpm at> writes:

> Now that SGI has released Open Inventor as an Open Source project (see:
> I'm curious whether
> anyone is working on Python bindings.

I was just thinking the same thing. Python would be a great match for
Inventor, since they are both very dynamic. Imagine doing something

>>> scene = Separator()
>>> viewer = XtExaminerViewer(scene_graph=scene)
>>> scene.append(Material(diffuse_color='red'))  # or (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
>>> scene.append(Cone())

and have a red cone appear. Then imagine typing:

>>> def hello(event)
...     print 'Hello!'
>>> scene.insert(1, EventCallback(type='mouse_press', action=hello))

and have the red cone say 'Hello!' when you click it.

Since I haven't seen a response to your mail yet, I have installed
SWIG and will have a go at it. If it turns out that there is a Python
wrapper already, at least I will have learnt SWIG. :)

   Ole Martin Bjoerndalen 
    olemb at

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