
Gerhard Haering haering at sunhalle3.informatik.tu-muenchen.de
Wed Aug 2 17:11:31 EDT 2000


Like you, I am currently investigating ways to simplify database
programming via a an object-oriented interface.

I have found a few related Python modules, but none are quite satisfying
for me, yet:

  (beginnings of an object-relational mapper)
http://starship.python.net/crew/adustman/ (SQLdict)
http://zdc.sourceforge.net/ (zike data classes)

The interesting question is IMO how to create the Python classes from SQL.
- from a Database Definition Language file (is there any standardized file
  format for entity relationship diagrams?)
- from database queries (I think I could get all relationships from an
  Oracle databse, but MySQL is once again out of game: no foreign keys)

One problem is also database versioning: I don't want to have to recreate
the database and Python classes every time I add a field.

If you find the Holy Grail I'd like to hear from you :-)


In article <3987DD9C.95A279C7 at sympatico.ca>, vio wrote:
>Has anyone attempted to "port" an SQL script to Python ?
>I have an ANSI-SQL script which creates a 200 tables database. Since
>tables seem to make excellent candidates for "objects", I want to port
>my SQL code to Python, which is much more flexible than SQL. Mapping SQL
>to Py might look something like this:
>SQL Table    ->    Python Class
>Table columns    ->    Class attributes
>Table rows    ->    Class instantiations (objects)
>Table Index    ->    Class Dictionary
>Primary Keys    ->    Dictionary Keys
>Foreign Keys    ->    reference to other class' Dictionary Keys
>I guess my question is if anyone is aware of already written SQL2Python
>"mapping/porting" script. Could Gadfly (the Py-written db engine) be of
>any use for my purpose ?

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