Still no new license -- but draft text available

Tim Peters tim_one at
Wed Aug 2 22:49:36 EDT 2000

[William Tanksley, asks searching questions about CNRI's click-
 through text]

[Tim sez that's a stupid-ass quibble, and why doesn't Billy just
 grow the f**k up already?!]

[back to Billy]
> Nope, no problems at all.  That was only an honest question, not
> a quibble -- had it been a quibble, it would have been preceded
> and followed by text taken out of context and replied to
> derisively at great length.
> :-)

In a tangible effort to apologize for my overreaction to your innocent
questions, I've taken the liberty of paraphrasing myself out of context
above, making myself appear more an idiot than usual.  It's more than just
saving you the effort -- it was the Right Thing to do <wink>.

    knowing-i'll-die-long-before-most-of-you-ly y'rs  - tim

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