ANN: BerkeleyDB 2.9.0 (experimental)

A.M. Kuchling amk1 at
Sun Aug 20 16:44:02 EDT 2000

This is an experimental release of a rewritten version of the
BerkeleyDB module by Robin Dunn.  Starting from Greg Smith's version,
which supports the 3.1.x versions of Sleepycat's DB library, I've
translated the SWIG wrapper into hand-written C code.  

Warnings: this module is experimental, so don't put it to production
use.  I've only compiled the code with the current Python CVS tree;
there might be glitches with 1.5.2 which will need to be fixed.
Cursor objects are implemented, but completely untested; methods might
not work or might dump core.  (DB and DbEnv objects *are* tested, and
seem to work fine.)

Grab the code from this FTP directory:

Please report problems to me.  Thanks!


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