
Bill Scherer Bill.Scherer at
Fri Aug 4 10:24:21 EDT 2000

Steve wrote:

> Anyone bought the book "XML Processing with Python"?


> What do you think of it?

I finished reading it a couple of weeks ago.  I knew almost nothing
about xml before.  I found it to be an easy read, and ultimately very
helpful.  The only complaint I have is that they actually have printed
out the complete source code for the pyxie library and several
applications that use it in the book.  The examples in the book are good
to have, but printing out hundreds of lines of source, especially when
the book comes with a cd-rom, seems useless and wasteful to me.

The book did get me ramped up very quickly on xml, and using xml with
python.  Enough so that I'm using it in two projects already.
I've not read any other XML books, so I can't compare it to others, but
it is well written and readable.

The relevance of the included pyxie library ( is unlear to
me.  It works well enough (except in jpython :-( ), but it does not seem
to be connected with the mainstream of xml development in Python (ie.
xml-sig).  But maybe I missed something...

William K. Scherer
Sr. Member of Applications Staff - Verizon Wireless

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