new bitwise module --- Use operator module!!

Alex Martelli alex at
Thu Aug 3 04:50:11 EDT 2000

"Huaiyu Zhu" <hzhu at localhost.localdomain> wrote in message at
> BTW, the new bitwise module has more than the standard operators, like
> bitand(a,b,c,d,e), and extraction and settting of single bits, etc.

And better-named operators too:-).

> >Obviously, <<, >>, & | are classified as "linenoise" and should be
> >from the language.  Now,
> >exactly how are all these proposed matrix operators ~+ .* not line
> >And how does *dropping/hiding* one set of operators suddenly make it more
> >acceptable to insert an equally bizarre
> >looking set for matrix users :-)
> You obviously missed the smilie.  (Oops, I nearly missed yours as well.)

ObFlameBait: matrix-arithmetic users are feeble weenies dependant on
their daily dose of syntax sugar, so we'd better give it to them to keep
happy in their usual dazed stupor; we True Real He-Man Macho Bit-Fiddlers,
who have also been Wise And Clever Enough To Find And Espouse Python,
we of course Know Better Than That and are Able To Truly Appreciate The
Beauty Of Named Functions.  Darn, I should go back and add a few more
caps.  Oh well, never mind, that's syntax-sugar too.

There -- and nary a smilie throughout the paragraph.  (Note: anybody who,
given the context -- knowing my predilection for deadpan-humor, knowing I
cooperated with Huaiyu re the bitwise module, knowing I do use bit-twiddling
and do appreciate named-functions -- needs smilies to make sense of the
above paragraph, also, IMHO, needs an intensive cure of Monty Python
sketches without the canned-laugh track to clue him/her in as to when it's
supposed to be funny.  So there).


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