How to use a DocumentTemplate custom format from Python?

Hamish Lawson hamish_lawson at
Thu Aug 31 04:47:56 EDT 2000

I'm using DocumentTemplate from Python (not in Zope) and I want to use
a custom format 'javascript_quote' that I've written. In my DTML file I

    <dtml-var name="name" fmt="javascript_quote">

and in the Python code I have

    def javascript_quote(s):

    template = DocumentTemplate.HTMLFile(
        {'javascript_quote': javascript_quote}

    print template(None, {'data': data})

But it complains that not everything was converted, presumably because
it is trying to interpret the fmt="javascript_quote" as a C-style
format. How do I get it to use my function?

Hamish Lawson

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