python-dev summary, August 1-15

Andrew Kuchling akuchlin at
Thu Aug 17 18:55:31 EDT 2000

Python-dev summary, August 1-15, 2000  

Writing this summary was difficult, because there were no large themes
in the last two weeks of discussion.  Instead there were lots and lots
of small items; as the release date for 2.0b1 nears, people are
concentrating on resolving outstanding patches, fixing bugs, and
making last-minute tweaks.

Python 1.6 progress

Python 1.6b1 was released a few days into the month; the plan is to
release 1.6final after a few weeks of testing.  GvR's announcement:
The 1.6 page on 

1.6 is the "Contractual Obligations" release of Python, containing all
the work done while the Pythoneers were working at CNRI.  1.6 is worth
trying out if you're interested in testing Python's new Unicode
support.  Otherwise, unless you're CNRI's lawyer, you don't really
care about this release, and can just wait for 2.0b1.  2.0 will
contain all the features of 1.6 plus the additional work and bugfixes
that have been made since May 2000, and the first beta release is
scheduled for the end of August.  (Maintainers of Linux distributions
also probably don't need to bother packaging 1.6.)

Python 2.0 progress

August 14 was the feature freeze date for Python 2.0; after that date,
no new features can be proposed.  The freeze announcement:
The planned release schedule for 2.0:

List comprehensions (PEP 202) were finally checked into the main CVS
tree, after existing as a separate patch for a long time, and as
documented in this PEP:

Stackless Python

Christian Tismer's patches for Stackless Python came up as a
discussion topic again.  They're available from: 

The Stackless patches make two major changes.

	1) First, the main loop of the bytecode interpreter
(Python/ceval.c in the source code) is modified so that calling a new
Python function does not allocate a new frame on the C stack.  Right
now an infinite Python recursion will fill up the C stack fairly
quickly and segfault; in Stackless Python, the Python stack frames
will be allocated from the heap and won't fill up the C stack.

	2) Second, they add a module for creating continuations.
Continuations are an idea most commonly seen in Scheme and ML, as
summed up by Tim Peters:

Continuations allow storing the state of a running function and
resuming its execution later; a stackless bytecode interpreter is
required to make it possible to implement them at all.  Continuations
are a fundamental building block in that other abstractions such as
generators and coroutines can be built on top of them.  Having
continuations can make some applications, such as writing network
servers, much easier, but understanding continuations, and explaining
them clearly can be difficult.  See Sam Rushing's notes on Python

The first change simply makes an improved implementation of the
interpreter; it introduces no changes visible to Python programmers
and imposes no obligation upon the maintainers of other Python
implementations.  The second change is the one that causes the most
disagreement, because it adds new language features that are
user-visible, and these features would be very difficult to add to
JPython.  (Essentially you'd need to rewrite a Java VM to be
stackless, and JPython would then require this VM to run.  I don't
know if Microsoft's Common Language Runtime would make continuations
easy or difficult.)

The current plan is for Gordon McMillan to write PEP 219 describing the
first part of this change, the stackless version of the CPython
interpreter.  Continuations will be left to a separate proposal, PEP 220.

The winreg module

The winreg module was the subject of a squabble.  The original winreg
was written by Mark Hammond and is part of PythonWin; it exactly wraps
the Windows API for manipulating the registry.  Around the end of June
Paul Prescod suggested writing an object-oriented wrapper on top of
the low-level API:

Mark Hammond provisionally agreed with the idea:

Paul proceeded to write the module and check it in.  Later on Mark
Hammond objected to the interface:

Paul explained his reasons for writing the new module:

The opinion of most other people was that, yes, the Windows registry
interface is ugly, but it's so infrequently used that it's not worth
making it tidy.  Paul returned with a proposed interface

No one has commented on this interface yet.  Windows-based Python
programmers with an interest in the registry should take a look, and
offer their opinions on this issue; most of the members of python-dev
use some stripe of Unix.  Is a higher-level interface to the registry
needed?  If yes, what do you think of Paul's proposal?

Small matters

Jeremy Hylton moved the bug database from Jitterbug running on to the SourceForge bug tracker:

Peter Schneider-Kamp announced a fork of IDLE.  The goal is to speed
up development of IDLE and ultimately merge the improved version back
into the Python source tree:
An odd little method was added to dictionaries after some discussion.
.setdefault(key, default) behaves like .get(key, default), but also
inserts the value of 'default' into the dictionary if 'key' wasn't

/F posted some benchmarks of SRE versus the old re module:

Related Links

Temporary archive of python-dev summaries:

Python-dev archives:

Python project page on SourceForge:

Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs) summarize recent and past
proposals for enhancements:

The python-dev summaries are intended to inform the larger Python
community of currently ongoing development.  To comment on material in
this python-dev summary, simply post to comp.lang.python or
<python-list at>.  Give your posting a meaningful subject
line, and if it's about a PEP, include the PEP number (e.g. Subject:
PEP 201 - Lockstep iteration) All python-dev members are interested in
seeing ideas discussed by the community, so don't hesitate to take a
stance on a PEP if you think that you could share an educated opinion.

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