How to build a vector from two floats?

Calvelo Daniel dcalvelo at
Tue Aug 29 05:45:52 EDT 2000

Fredrik Lundin <m94lufr at> wrote:
: I am experiencing problems when I want to build a vector out of two floats.
: I am routing two SFFloats from a WRL-file to the python script.

What is an SFFloat? And a WRL-file?

: class TextureScale(TypedField(SFVec2f,(SFFloat,SFFloat))):
:   def evaluate(self, inputs):
:     return inputs[0].get(),inputs[1].get()
: texturescale = TextureScale()

You are declaring a class named 'TextureScale' which is a descendant of
the class returned by 'TypedField(SFVec3f,(SFFloat,SFFloat))'. Then, you
define the member function evaluate. Then you declare 'texturescale' as
an instance of TextureScale.

: Shouldn't the return be of the type SFVec2f with two SFFloat in x- &  y-pos?

Instanciation ('TextureScale()') will always return a new instance of the
class. If you do stg like 

texturescale = TextureScale().evaluate( SFFloat_1, SFFloat_2 )

Then a newly created TextureScale instance will be passed to method evaluate
along with both arguments; it will return the tuple I guess you want.

BTW Python isn't typed. At least not in the C++ sense.

HTH (somehow), DCA

-- Daniel Calvelo Aros
     calvelo at

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