Display console output to status bar in Tkinter?

richard_chamberlain at my-deja.com richard_chamberlain at my-deja.com
Thu Aug 10 05:22:13 EDT 2000


One way you could do it is by redirecting the file to your own object
that implements write, writelines etc.

sys.stdout attaches itself to a file like object and calls write
against it - you could capture these writes and then direct them to
where you want them.

idle does a similar thing - have a look in PyShell.py especially at
PseudoFile class which is shown below:

class PseudoFile:

    def __init__(self, shell, tags):
        self.shell = shell
        self.tags = tags

    def write(self, s):
        self.shell.write(s, self.tags)

    def writelines(self, l):
        map(self.write, l)

    def flush(self):

You just then need to redirect the output somewhere useful.


In article <#Toh7OpAAHA.401 at cpmsnbbsa08>,
  "rhyde99" <rhyde99 at email.msn.com> wrote:
> I need to know how it is possible to display only the last line of
> stdout/stderr output to my Tkinter status bar.  In the Python FAQ I
saw a
> way to catch stdout/stderr output, but this method concatenates all
of the
> output.  I just need the last line.
> I hope this is clear, and that someone can help!
> Thanks in advance

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