
Scott kain at
Sat Aug 12 09:54:05 EDT 2000

This won't quite work right because there is no guarantee that recv will
receive BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BITS bits every time.  Perhaps you could do something
like this:

while 1:
	t1 = time.clock ()
	data = con.recv (BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BITS)
	bps = len (data) / (time.cloci () - t1)
	if not data: break
	## Process your data

Of course, I haven't tested this, so your results may vary. 


On Sat, 12 Aug 2000 21:08:41 +1000, Steven Adams <adams_s at>
>*idle musings*
>You could just sit inside a loop, each iteration accepting upto a maximum
>number of bits, and measuring the time it takes for each block of data to
>e.g.   using socket and time
> while 1:
>    t1=time.clock()
>    data = conn.recv(BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BITS)
>    bps = BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BITS / (time.clock() - t1) #calculate rate of bits
>per second
>    if not data: break
>maybe that works, or can be adapted

"That's a deer shooting hat."
"Like hell it is.  This is a people shooting hat.  I shoot people in this hat."

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