
François Pinard pinard at
Tue Aug 1 09:04:06 EDT 2000

[Miki Tebeka]

> Is there a standard function that does something like this?

> def file2lines(file_name):
> 	lines = []
> 	try:
> 		fp = open(file_name)
> 		lines = fp.readlines()
> 		fp.close()
> 	except:
> 		pass # ignore errors
> 	return lines

> And then you can just:

> for line in file2lines('myfile'):
> 	some_interesting_function(line)

I always write directly:

    for line in open('myfile').readlines():

You can bury this within a `try...except' clause, of course, but I think
better to not blindly hide all errors, in general.  If you stick to CPython
features, you'll get shorter, cleaner code!  A consequence of this is that
you have a big gain in legibility (in my opinion).

François Pinard

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