Callback from C++ to Python, how to pass args?

Bram Stolk bram at
Mon Aug 14 06:59:00 EDT 2000

Hello all,

I've been reading chapter 1.6 "Calling Python funcs from C" of
"Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter".

Here, an example is used that does a callback from C to a
Python func. 
When doing this, the func Py_BuildValue() is used to build
the argument list for the callback.

This gives me problems when I want to pass objects in the
argument list, instead of plain ints and floats.

I am looking for a way to pass a ptr to a C++ object as
an argument to the called back Python script function.
Using the "O" formatter does not work, neither does a
conversion to CObject first, because the script func will
then simply get a CObject, and not a properly typed object.

To clarify: the object I want to pass is a C++ object, which
has been given Python support using SWIG.

Any help greatly appreciated,


 Bram Stolk, VR Specialist.
 SARA Academic Computing Services Amsterdam, PO Box 94613, 1090 GP  AMSTERDAM
 email: bram at   Phone +31-20-5923059  Fax +31-20-6683167

 "I heard if you play the NT-4.0-CD backwards, you get a satanic message."
 "Thats nothing, if you play it forward, it installs NT-4.0"

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