embed or extend?

Chris Armstrong punck at PenguinMints.cx
Sun Aug 20 20:34:51 EDT 2000

I'm working on a C++/Python project that'll be instantiating _huge_
amounts of Python classes. From a performance standpoint, would it be better to
extend or embed Python? BTW, it's an RPG server (There is also a client but
this part is all server-side)

If anyone wants to see some Dia diagrams/documentation about the project to
learn more about the architecture i'd be glad to show them. They were developed
with the assumption that we'd be embedding Python, but now I'm looking into
extending it.

Chris Armstrong       http://www.penguinmints.cx  punck at PenguinMints.cx
There is a 90% chance that this message was written when the author's been
awake longer than he should have. Please disregard any senseless drivel.

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