Creating Python "executables" on Windows?

Robin Becker robin at
Fri Aug 18 07:04:05 EDT 2000

I've been experimenting with Gordon's installer and find that under
win98 at least it's doing absolutely the wrong thing wrt filename case.

I see in builder.log lines like
 ('rlpingo.pingoGD', 'c:\\python\\rlpingo\\', 'm'),

During the preliminary run of I get the following error

    return imp.find_module(name, path)
NameError: Case mismatch for module name pingogd
(filename C:\Python\rlpingo\

which is entirely correct. I don't think this is all Gordon's fault as

>>> os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath('C:\\Python\\rlpingo\\'))

ie maybe he should either be using normcase more carefully or perhaps 
rely more on __file__ as for me at least

>>> import rlpingo.pingoGD
>>> rlpingo.pingoGD.__file__
Robin Becker

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