PyDict_GetItemString converse

Michael Hudson mwh21 at
Mon Aug 28 15:37:05 EDT 2000

Randy Heiland <heiland at> writes:

> I know that, given a name of a variable, I can do:
> PyObject *result = PyDict_GetItemString(globals, varname);
> how do I do the converse -- given a PyObject, get its associated
> variable name?

You can't in general.  If you're sure it's in the dictionary
"globals", I think the moral equivalent of

for (key,value) in globals.items():
    if value is result:
        return key

is your best bet.


  In general, I'd recommend injecting LSD directly into your temples,
  Syd-Barret-style, before mucking with Motif's resource framework.
  The former has far lower odds of leading directly to terminal
  insanity.                                            -- Dan Martinez

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