Force anything to be a string.

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Sun Sep 19 13:20:02 EDT 1999

jonathon <jblake at> wrote:
> >to the builtin function (builtin function names are not reserved, which is
> >both a feature and a bug <0.7>).
> A bug, IMNSHO.   A really bad bug, since I wasn't even using a
> module I wrote.   

if that bothers you, make sure to always
access builtins via the __builtin__ name-

import __builtin__
print __builtin__.str(1234)

the chance that you would accidently
modify the contents of that module is
quite small, in my experience.

(still cannot understand why you think
"call of non-function" from the inter-
preter is harder to understand than
"not a function" from a compiler, which
is what you get if you screw up in the
same way in C, but that's me...)


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