Need help with PyRun_SimpleFile

Michael P. Reilly arcege at
Wed Sep 1 10:23:10 EDT 1999

Scott Shillcock <shillcoc at> wrote:
: Hello,

: Here is my very simple program:

: #include <iostream.h>
: #include "Python.h"

: void
: main (int argc, char **argv) {

:    Py_Initialize ();
:    FILE *fp = fopen ("", "r+");
:    cerr << "Before PyRun_SimpleFile" << endl;
:    PyRun_SimpleFile (fp, "");
:    cerr << "After PyRun_SimpleFile" << endl;
:    Py_Exit(0);
: }

: I can compile this into an exe file. I also created a very simple
: file that just prints one line of text. When I run my program it
: crashes on the PyRun_SimpleFile() every time. I get the first cerr but
: not the second.

: What I am doing wrong? I have tried as many variations on this at I
: could think of, all with the same result.

: Thanks,
: Scott

Hi Scott,

I've complied the same program and created an empty "" file and
it ran with no errors.  What is the error message (output), error code
("echo $?" (sh) or "echo $status" (csh) or "echo %ERRORLEVEL%"
(Windows)) and what are the contents of the "" file?  If you are
on a Windows machine, did you run the executable from cmd.exe?  Can you
import the file into Python itself?  How about trying:
  $ python >>> execfile("")

Also, what OS and compiler and version of Python where you using?
("python -c 'import sys; print sys.version'")  Giving that info might
help people with answering your question.


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