[ANNOUNCE] M2Crypto 0.02 - now does SSL

Ng Pheng Siong ngps at madcap.dyn.ml.org
Tue Sep 14 09:07:53 EDT 1999

(Apologies if you've seen this. I didn't see the posting appear.
Apparently Usenet is not my ISP's long suit.)

I am pleased to announce the release of M2Crypto 0.02.
The package is available at http://www.post1.com/home/ngps

This release incorporates support for SSL, specifically,

	For building servers, blocking i/o:
		- An SSLServer modeled after SocketServer.
		- A ForkingSSLServer that seems to work well.
		- A ThreadingSSLServer that runs one thread at a time. (!) ;-)
	For building servers, nonblocking i/o:
		- An ssl_dispatcher modeled after asyncore.dispatcher.

	A HTTPS server based on Medusa.
	For client-side web programming:
		- httpslib
		- urllib2

Your feedback is appreciated.

Ng Pheng Siong <ngps at post1.com>

Ng Pheng Siong <ngps at post1.com>

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