Produce .pyc without execution

François Pinard pinard at
Sun Oct 31 03:01:22 EST 1999

"Adrian Eyre" <a.eyre at> writes:

> > Is there a way to compile a module without executing it? Just check syntax
> > and produce the .pyc file?

> See Lib/

For one of my Python projects (I begin to have a few :-), I get this done
through my various `' files, with an `install-data-hook' goal.
Let me share an example with you.  Below, I include `',
the top-level `', then `src/'.  I do not include
`lib/': it is bigger than the `src/' one and brings nothing new.

Finally, I include `src/GNUmakefile', which I planted in the `src/' directory
of the distribution hierarchy, by opposition of the build hierarchy.
I have a similar `lib/GNUmakefile'.  These special files do not get
distributed, but they are very convenient for me.  My build hierarchy is
`local/' under the top-level, and after I modified a few Python files,
I just do `C-c C' in Emacs, which is my own binding for `M-x compile',
right from any source window, to save, install and recompile in one blow.

However, I could not decently propose this scheme for integration in
Automake, and that makes it a bit unsatisfactory.  It would be nicer, for
example, if `src/*.py' files were recompiled into the `src/' build hierarchy
from the `src/' distribution hierarchy, and then installed from there.
But `compileall' wants to install compiled files next to sources in the
same directory, which is a bit inconvenient.  Any simple solution?

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Fran?ois Pinard

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