is there a record separator? RS

Tom Culliton culliton at
Thu Oct 14 00:45:24 EDT 1999

Sort answer, No, although it's been a long standing TODO item.  Guido
even agreeded to it in principle but the volunteer (who shall remain
nameless) got sidetracked and never delivered the patch. 8-(  (Mea
culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa...)

Longer answer, there are extension modules that will do this for you.
You can also either slurp in the whole file and string.split it on
your desired record seperator or do it a chunk at a time.  At one
point I actually even had a Python class which wrapped a file object
to do this... hmmm... and which seems not to be in any of the obvious
places... :-(

In article <Pine.LNX.4.10.9910131819020.14981-100000 at>,
Linux User  <luser at no.where> wrote:
>Is there anything similar to the configurable record separator that perl
>and awk use?

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