Installation problem (or not...)

Andy Robinson andy at
Sat Oct 2 13:35:29 EDT 1999

Mikael Olofsson <mikael at> wrote:

>If these are stupid questions, could someone please answer them anyway.
>I have been using python at work for quite a while (under unix), but I 
>have never tried to install it - until yesterday. I decided to install
>python on my Pentium II machine at home (Win95). I downloaded version
>1.5.2 and related stuff from, from the "Download Python for 
>Windows 95/98 and NT" page. So far so good. 
>Later, when I installed it I got an error message complaining that some
>DLL file assumed WinNT and not Win95. The same thing happened for the 
>win32all installation. This made me worried. As I have understood things,
>the installation is supposed to work in all NT/95/98 environments. I
>have not tried any tests yet, but I don't think I would trust my 
>installation under these circumstances - even if all tests went well.
>Q1: Should I be worried?
>Q2: If so: What should I do?
AFAIR it is ctld3d or one of its kin.  Don't worry, the installer will
work and it will not affect your Python installation, but the 3d-look
progress bar just looks a bit screwy as it runs.  This is beyond Mark
Hammond's reasonable control - I suggest leaving it to WISE (who make
the installer) and Microsoft to slug it out as to who broke what.



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