sys.exit() doesn't exit

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Wed Oct 20 09:06:54 EDT 1999

Randall Hopper <aa8vb at> wrote:
>  |Alternatively, the C code could call PyErr_Print(), which will call
>  |exit() when it sees SystemExit.
> Thanks.  That was the advice I needed.
> The wrapped C code doesn't know about Python so propagating exceptions
> through it really isn't practical.  I guess the best I can do is propagate
> them across it.
> Fortunately, in this particular C wrapper, there are only two C entry
> points inside which a Python callback might be invoked, so I can use
> static-wrapper-variable-hackery to record when exceptions occur, and return
> NULL in the appropriate spots to the controlling Python.  It's not pretty,
> but it works.
> With Python using return values to signal exceptions, I guess this is this
> is the best I can do.

hint: use PyErr_Occurred() to figure out
if an error occurred down below...

    PyErr_Clear(); /* to be on the safe side */

    if (PyErr_Occurred())
        return NULL; /* flag the python exception */

    return Py_BuildValue(...)


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