Python 2.0

Graham Matthews graham at
Thu Jun 10 11:05:37 EDT 1999

[Hisao Suzuki]
> Me too.  And I am afraid that some evangelists would do nothing
> but _only_ point out Python's some so-called fault in order to
> drive us into convert to their favorite or invented language...
[Yukihiro Matsumoto]
> Sorry for bothering the newsgroup.
Tim Peters (tim_one at wrote:
: Hmm.  The level of paranoia in this thread is quite remarkable!  I don't
: think Suzuki was talking about you (or Ruby) here, and your contributions to
: the thread have been civil and helpful.

Well my reading of Hisao's posts (especially the most recent ones) is
indeed that he was talking about Yukihiro.

Now two data points.

           As you grow up and leave the playground
       where you kissed your prince and found your frog
          Remember the jester that showed you tears
                   the script for tears

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