simple text file 'parsing' question

Magnus L. Hetland mlh at
Mon Jun 21 08:29:24 EDT 1999

Matt Gushee <mgushee at> writes:

> KP <terocr at> writes:
> > Here's my dilema: a directory filled (200+) with small emails. My goal
> > is to strip all the headers and combine them into one file. I can read
> > all the files just fine and write them all to one file, but I cannot
> > discern how to strip the headers.

Just remove everything up to and including the first blank line. That
represents the end of the header. For instance:

  file = open(resultFileName,'w')

  # ...

  lines = open(name).readlines()
  lines = lines[lines.index("")+1:]


  # ...



  Magnus              Making no sound / Yet smouldering with passion
  Lie          The firefly is still sadder / Than the moaning insect
  Hetland                                       : Minamoto Shigeyuki

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