Newbie question

David Ascher da at
Tue Jul 27 00:25:32 EDT 1999

On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> > I'm just trying out some examples from the book Learning Python and I run
> > into a exercise that is not working for me.
> > It's on page 95 , exercise 4b.
> > This is the answer the book has
> > ===========================================
> > l = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]
> > x = 5
> > i = 0
> > while i < len(l):
> >     if 2 ** x == l[i]:
> >         print 'at index', i
> >         break
> >         i = i + 1
> > else:
> >      print x , 'not found'
> > ============================================
> either you or the LP authors have messed up;
> for the loop to ever terminate, the "i = i + 1"
> statement should at the "while" level, not in-
> side the "if" statement.

It's a very understandable problem -- there is a page break before the
line in question, and I don't blame Arnaldo for not having taken his ruler
and counting spaces.  Alas, there was little we could do in the production
process to avoid all the page breaks in Python code.  Sorry you wasted
some time on that one, Arnaldo.

python-code-wasn't-designed-for-typesetting-in-more-ways-than-one'ly y'rs,

  --david ascher

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