uu.py - get result of uuencode() in a string

Fred L. Drake fdrake at cnri.reston.va.us
Wed Jul 21 10:51:42 EDT 1999

Richard van de Stadt writes:
 > Is it possible to get the output of the uuencode() function
 > into a string, instead of a file or stdout?

  The output file can be a StringIO instance; a convenience function
to handle this could be written as (untested):

import StringIO
import uu

def uu2string(data, mode=None):
    outfile = StringIO.StringIO()
    infile = StringIO.StringIO(data)
    uu.decode(infile, outfile, mode)
    return outfile.getvalue()


Fred L. Drake, Jr.	     <fdrake at acm.org>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives

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