NT Desktop question

Gordon McMillan gmcm at hypernet.com
Fri Dec 17 11:05:31 EST 1999

Gaetan Corneau writes,
> I would like to be able to invoke "python.exe somescript.py
> droppedfilename" under NT just by dropping a file on an icon on
> my desktop. Is this possible? If it's not, I'll just code a small
> app that will receive the dropped file and then call the Python
> script.

What works today is:
 create a bat file:
  python.exe d:\path\to\myscript.py "%1"

Put a shortcut to the bat file on the desktop.

You can also use the bat file as  a target in the "Send to" 
menu item of Explorer's context menu, or as an action in a file 
type association.

- Gordon

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