iteration (was RE: "sins" (aka, acknowledged language problems))

Aahz Maruch aahz at
Fri Dec 17 10:02:53 EST 1999

In article <6D8A17398E28D3119F860090274DD7DB4B3D53 at>,
Alex Martelli  <Alex.Martelli at> wrote:
>but what should I place instead of the 'pass' statements, to make the
>'for' construct terminate correctly...?  In other words, what does
>__getitem__ return, or what exception does it raise, to make a "for
>x in y" statement terminate correctly?  I see from the sources for
> that an IndexError gets raised -- is that the "right" way
>to do it (is it documented somewhere as such), or does it just "happen
>to work" on the current implementation of the interpreter...?

Yes, the "for" construct contains an implicit try/except on IndexError
that it uses for loop control.  It is documented somewhere, but I don't
off-hand know where -- this is not likely to change, though it may get
                      --- Aahz (

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